Story Weekly 1
HELLO HI FOLKS! HAVENT DONE THIS IN AWHILE YEA? AN ENTRY OF MY BUSY ONE WEEK. so wake me up when September ends... Sunday 21/5/17 Home-made breakfast & whole day church :) Monday 22/5/17 & Tuesday 23/5/17 woke up 7am to do these. Just done recording maxillo-mandibular relationship on Friday & I have to issue the denture in 2 days time. Others takes at least 2 months, some 3-4 months AND I HAVE TO GET IT DONE IN 2 DAYS ..but well, Pray that I make no mistake. * Patient request to get it done before Puasa start but the clinic session is so limited you see.* 1. Articulated the denture base Articulated the denture base 2. Done with teeth arrangement Done with teeth arrangement 3. Flasking Flasking 4. Done de-wax process Done de-wax process 5. Done packing; bench cooling Done packing; bench cooling 6. Unpack. Unpac...