Your hands on my waist. and my arms around your neck, whispering things only we could hear is a feeling I'll never forget. #SlowDance Come on skinny love, just last the year. Hey folks! what's up? Surprise! I am back again. It has been raining very often recently. I love raining days... It's so therapeutic especially because my room can hear the rain pour down very clearly. When it rains, unless I put on my earphone otherwise I won't be able to hear my music. Maybe its time to get myself a headphone for better sound effect yea?! Really love this stay home-rainy day. This weather seems to be sending a message to slow down after a super busy week. I still remember I used to sit by the window back at my home when I was younger, thinking what the world gonna offer to me, thinking what type of person will I be, also what kind of people will I meet when I grow up. Yea at a very young age I already begin to think alot about life. Am I the only one who had such thoughts? We...