Your hands on my waist.
and my arms around your neck,
whispering things only we could hear
is a feeling I'll never forget.

Come on skinny love, just last the year. 

Hey folks! what's up?

Surprise! I am back again.
It has been raining very often recently. I love raining days... It's so therapeutic especially because my room can hear the rain pour down very clearly. When it rains, unless I put on my earphone otherwise I won't be able to hear my music. Maybe its time to get myself a headphone for better sound effect yea?!

Really love this stay home-rainy day.
This weather seems to be sending a message to slow down after a super busy week. I still remember I used to sit by the window back at my home when I was younger, thinking what the world gonna offer to me, thinking what type of person will I be, also what kind of people will I meet when I grow up. Yea at a very young age I already begin to think alot about life.

Am I the only one who had such thoughts? Well maybe and it is real, I always feel I have different perspective of this world and this life. Everything seems very temporary especially people. And perhaps that is why we should not take anything for granted. The time you spend with your loved ones will not last forever.

Everything in life is temporary. Emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. The key is not to get attached, but learn to just flow with the natural current of life.

Oh it's October.
 How times flies. Past 2 months was hectic because I was working at the hospital, that oncall thingy gosh. I fall asleep everyday as soon as my head hits the pillow! Yip was amazed while describing how I could fall asleep so quickly. So, I took total of 11 days off right after my 2 months posting.

 Oh yah I had a Car vs Car accident. Not proud of it but I am kinda erm-not-grateful-but-kinda-glad feeling. Come on. This is something one' should experience. Experience life's! When it happens, I wasn't in shock, wasn't scared, probably was not really feeling anything. I just unbuckle my seat belt, went out of the car to make sure another driver was okay. Nope. I did not call anyone. I did not call my mother or any friend. Just me, dealing with life. 

Maybe I should update my blog more. Just to entertain you.

2020 is coming to an end. 

What was your greatest loss this year? Nothing. Whatever was meant for me, remained. Whatever was not meant for me, left.

I have been listening to alot of Ravi Zacharias' and 
yes yes last week I started watching the netflix series "The good doctor". 
Nothing much. Doing fine. Grateful and chilling.


This year, I lost some friends and one very dear human being, Not to the kingdom of death , I reckon they are somewhere out there on earth still breathing kay. No bitterness just going on our separate ways. But sometimes I still look back at our conversation, photos and walk down memory lane. Sometimes I wish I know how to love some people so that they will stay. but well.
I still miss you but I guess you are feeling better without me. 

Thus, I should be happy because you are! :)


I miss my family too.

Hope everyone out there is breathing and living well.

Ravi Zacharias: "Listen to me, there are people in the hospital right now at this moment begging God for the opportunity that you have and there are people in another part of the world begging God for the quality of life that you have. Stop murmuring and stop complaining. Use the art of silence."

If you believe in reincarnation. Would your tombstone say RIP or BRB.

Blankets, pillows,
beds and sheets
remind me of you.
When it's time to sleep.
When the bed sinks
and the springs creak,
I know it's time 
to advance what I seek.

Thank you for reading and Take care AND wear MASK!


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