How was dentistry in Malaysia?

LIFE is a balance of holding on AND letting go.

Hello, it is me. Summarizing how the dentistry course was for me.
It's a total FIVE years course, in Malaysia.
It cost RM350,000 plus-minus.

Do I ever regret it? NOPE.

Before I begin, disclaimer; I read one similar blog entry right before I joined DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery), and back then it was really helpful to get a glimpse of what a dentistry course is about.

1 million dollar question: WHY DDS?
I believe that through this profession, I can make a real difference, one smile at a time."
My university experiences thus far have been amazing. I have learned and experienced so many new things in such a short period, and it has gone by so fast. 


It was September intake 2014.
I remember that I did try to attend the orientation week. You know, that moment you are supposed to get to know your classmates. But stepping into this new city, I thought I should not be too friendly. But little did I know, other mates began to label me as being arrogant(?)

My advice is 'pls join the orientation week because till today I don't know what happens' 

Anyway, my daily routine back then was simple: I got myself involved at the church. I literally go to church every single day except Tuesday.

Sunday: 9:30am-12pm church & 6:30-8pm church
Monday: Outreach 8-9pm
Tuesday: Sport with a church member
Wednesday: 8-9pm church
Thursday: Fasting pray 8-9pm
Friday: Bible Study 8-9:30pm
Saturday: Youth gathering.

So yeah, that was my personal choice of commitment back then.

As for classes, they are Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm, with a 1 hour and 30 minutes lunch break. I stayed at the university student campus hostel. 

It is located in the middle of the city, so food and shopping are super convenient. Midvalley Mall and Jaya One are literally 10-15 minutes away.

This was the year, we learned biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, and dental anatomy.

Nondental subjects that will be tested include: English and Titas. 

We also started learning subjects like Dental Public Health, Conservative, Dental material, and prosthodontics which will not be tested in year 1.

Taken in the year of 2014, blood test.

Was given a box of free dental stuff too.

YES This is my fresh year 1 DDS face/looks very stressed already

For me, the university is not like back in elementary, primary, or high school. In uni, if you ask the lecturer questions, most of the time it will end up being your personal assignment that the lecturer will ask you to hand in. But, there are still lecturers who will answer your doubt right away.

Sien, but Lucky generation today has AI to assist!

Throughout my 5 years journey, I have had the habit of borrowing books from the library because medical books can be pricy RM300+ per book. The good news is, that technology now has created something called an e-book which is an electronic version of a printed book that can be read on your phone/Laptop/iPad. So try to get them from your lecturer/ seniors/ class rep.

I will not deny that I didn't manage my time well back then which made me almost CMI. Soooo, manage your time well between play and revision. Advice is to read/write notes at the end of each day regarding what you learn in class. Also, pay attention in class! Sometimes, the lecturer's joke can help you to remember certain facts and take notes in class especially if the lecturer mentions it is important because those are the ones that will be tested in the exam.

In year 1, we were introduced to viva. Viva examination is a common method of assessment in medical education. The Viva-voce examination is performed as an interview between the candidate and the examiners. I still remember my first viva was super funny. It was a Dental anatomy subject, and the doctor asked me to name certain structures/stages of the tooth cell. I couldn't remember so I was like "Is there a hint? What is the first letter" HAHAH. Ok this is wrong ok. But the doctor in my uni is super nice. ALL of my lecturers originate from India and Arab and thus they are really knowledgeable. I got inspired so often to read more every time I spoke to them. They make everything sound so interesting you see.

Did I study every day?
NO. I realized sometimes I can go without revising at all for 1-2 weeks. The worst is when almost every month you have a mini test which will contribute to the continued assessment. Then I realized, I am also a last-minute student. It kinda works better tho.

As for student assessment, at my uni, it is divided into 30+70.
Continuous Assessment is 30% which includes the mini test, and logbook. While 70% are from professional exams.

How to study for the exam?
Exams are mostly based on the learning outcomes of each topic and past years' questions. You will be given a course guidebook (CGB) which is a notebook on what the particular subject in the course is supposed to cover, thus make sure you know the topic well.

ALWAYS TAKE NOTES DURING CLASS. 100% helps. Trust says.

That is roughly what is in year 1.
I am kinda lazy to continue right now HAHAHELP


14 September 2015 is the beginning of my second year of dental school. 
We had a month's break before entering the second year, but for me, there is zero break LOL

Mainly because I need to retake 3 subjects. WTH (what a shame, I know!)
Here, I would like to give a super special thanks to my classmate YuXuan, he is probably the reason I didn't give up. He even stays back to guide my revision for the supplementary exam every single day.

So, if you are like me fail 3/4 subjects, don't give up! It will all be worth it.

2nd year subject: Microbiology, pharmacology, Pathology, Dental material.

Nondental subjects that will be tested are Entrepreneur and Religion/community work.

As for entrepreneurship. This includes a group project where they expect us to create a product that is not in the current market. I remember my group was presenting this product which was actually pretty similar to Apple Airtag. Imagine we have the resources back then to create one, we shall be the first to have such a product? Apple airtag was introduced only in 2021 you see. JK Imma no such life destiny

Pharmacology is the most interesting subject and also one of the most applicable subjects when we enter working life ok. This is also the subject I have struggled with since 2015 till today. Too many drugs to know. I remember that I got a grade B for this subject ok. So, all the best! 

(Just take note of Aspirin/warfarin/heparin, Heart Disease medication, Diabetes, Thyroid, Systemic lupus erythematosus, kidney failure... OK THAT'S BASICALLY ALL) -But these are common Malaysian health prob that we see during working life.

In the second year we started the simulation lab and each of us had one dental mannequin/head model to work with. Very luxury I know. 

This is also the year we produce our first full and partial removal denture from scratch!



It was September 2016.
3rd-year subjects that will be tested are OPOM, General Surgery, General medicine, and Dental radiology.
This is the beginning of fun dentistry for me because we started hospital posting where we were introduced to clerking real patients at a real hospital. 

The fresh face of third-year DDS student yo.

Clerking is a process of gathering and recording essential information about a patient when they are admitted to a hospital or seen in a clinical setting. This is where you will talk to patients and try to diagnose them. 

During this hospital posting, students can easily skip classes for no reason. Well, I lost a friend because she insists on asking me to sign attendance for her most of the time. Which I didn't because I am an obedient child. Well, at least my no-help has motivated her to come to class herself. 

no help someone=Help someone
Proud to say that the only 100% I always got in my uni life was my attendance. Heheh

In the third year, we shifted to the new campus. I took this opportunity to get myself a single bedroom at the student hostel. I got the largest corner single bedroom all to myself yo! Well, I used to have the same roommate for my first 2 years of DDS and it was disastrous ok. I remember my roommate would secretly take pictures of me and send them to other classmates which was actually very annoying because in my room I am usually sexier in my outfit. 

Imagine she took a picture of your innerwear and show to her friend. *Facepalm*
But we were all young and childish. 
I'll let it pass. 

Alright back to the dentistry story;
Third-year DDS, is my fav year. Mainly because we are more than half-way to the road to graduation. Back then I was just excited to get into working life and be financially independent.

This year we started more into a research project. A certain week public holiday will be the week we use to stay back to do research. 

I managed to have my first dental extraction on a real patient by the end of my third year. It was a very mobile tooth ok. But needle insertion etc can be nervous for the first time. But I have the most angelic patients. 


It was September 2017.
The subjects that will be tested for year 4 are: Paediatric dentistry, Prosthetic dentistry, and periodontology. 

All are my favorite subjects! 

While stu-dying, we have a logbook to complete! I have seniors who are desperately rushing to complete their logbook actually stealing my patients.. By law, first come first serve. But morally, my lecturer told me to let my senior have that case because we still have time to find new patients. Well, if he/she asks in a good manner then probably we won't have such bitterness kan. 

As for logbook requirements, (let me try recall);
For conservative subjects: 2 single canals, multi canals and 1 molars before we can go for competency.
For Oral surgery subject: we have to do 30 extractions, a minimum of 1 Minor oral surgery.

CRAP. So many requirements I can't recall. But everyone will eventually manage to complete it ok. Just hope that you won't have to stay back to finish your clinical requirements. Good Luck! :)

I managed to visit Melbourne at the end of my 4th year. RELAX JE you see


It was September 2018.
The subjects will be tested for year 5 are: orthodontics, Oral surgery, Family dentistry, DPH and conservative dentistry. 

Orthodontics is very difficult for Saya. Almost can't graduate because of this subject. *brb crying*

Final year senior face. yay

Anyway this year, we are pretty occupied with getting our logbook done, table clinic and research presentation.

Proud to say I am a Kiasu student, I got my logbook requirements done and I still managed to do extra cases. All thanks to God who provide patients for me.

For the table clinic, we are expected to create something that is not in the market yet or modify something that is already in the market. I still remember my group presented products like needle-free administration, 3D printer, re-grow own tooth and mirror with a camera. 

My group research project title is Evaluation of Nanohydroxyapatite dentifrice in Dentin tubule occlusion (in-vivo & in-vitro). For this, my group represented my uni to Surabaya Indonesia for a poster presentation, MIDS 2019, and was the only group to make it to the NDSCC oral presentation. 
We got 3rd place in the interfaculty research oral presentation and we got first place in the oral presentation competition for my batch. All thanks given to our research lecturer who guided us from scratch and to the team I have.

During this final year we were allowed to get posted into the OT department. It is where we witness patients having surgery while on general anesthesia (sleep). It is very eye-opening and there are many do & not-to-do things in the OT. 

I was also allowed to visit the government clinic to catch a glimpse of the working life. I was posted to Klinik Pergigian Kuala Kubu Bahru for a week. It is located 95km away from the campus. For this posting, We have to rent a place to stay and I still remember staying at the container room "Sarang By The Brook"

Perhaps, until I came to my final year of DDS, I started to appreciate my uni life. I'm glad that I managed to keep a few friendships till today. 

Not sure what the readers get from this blog entry. But being a dental student was fun! 

By September 2019, IT'S FINISHED!
 Overall, I do think the most challenging year is the first year. Almost gave up, but the church told me perhaps it wasn't my calling. Hai hao saya perseverance. 

So, if you are about to start DDS.
Don't worry...
Don't give up...

You’re not just learning a skill; you’re learning how to make a real difference in people’s lives. The road ahead may have its challenges, but your dedication, compassion, and hard work will lead you to success. Stay curious, embrace every opportunity to grow, and remember that every smile you help create will be a testament to your commitment and care. You’ve got this!"

This was taken during my graduation day family lunch. Used to be pretty and young ok. 

I am not so young now. But still pretty. kthnx bye.

Take more pic and video during uni life! Working life can be very lonely. 

Don't stress up. Play and study well. Don't be ashamed to take a supplementary test as long as you
Don't retake the whole year can d. TEEHEE


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