Inhale, Exhale, Thrive - Priorities realigned

  Embracing a New Month After Weariness

But as the calendar turned its page, so did the spirit within.

The new month arrived like a gentle breeze, carrying whispers of renewal and hope. It was a chance to start afresh, to shed the burdens of yesterday and embrace the possibilities of tomorrow.

The past month's trials became stepping stones, guiding the way forward with newfound wisdom.

Hi humans, It is JUNE 2024! time passed so quick just the way I wanted it. Everyday, I am always looking forward to nighttime. This is how my days pass: with no direction, just waiting for them to end until aging or death arrives.


exactly how the song lyrics Numb Little bug by Em Beih.
"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive~"

With each sunrise, strength slowly returned.

2024 has been a "many things happened" year

Jan 2024 -Started attachment with the restorative specialist. -Started night jogging with hubby. -Went to SCATE at KLCC with hubby.

Feb 20234 -Visit Hubby hometown for a week. -Aelfred (1y5m) can sing A-Z & 1-10 -Watch First movie at the cinema with hubby since Aelfred was born. -Hired new Indonesia maid March 2024 -Nic went to China 5March to work. -Started every-friday-dating with Lydia. -Bought Aelfred to hospital to follow up on his heart. April 2024 -Change new maid from Indonesia -Receive new house key and started renovation and painting. -Went to Singapore

May 2024 -Aelfred got admitted to hospital (unnecessary tho) -Visit Cambodia -Visit potter fellowship church International rally at KL

June 2024 -Done almost 700 patients at clinic. --

And now it's June, Aelfred is 1year 9month old. Taking care of a child without my husband by my side is challenging for me. Nic used to be the brain of the family that decides everything but now then he is not by my side, most of the time it depends on me to decide everything.

The good thing is that at least distance makes us argue less. LDR is never my ideal relationship. I remember crossing path with really kind guy but I didn't proceed because of distance. I have 2 past relationships that I ended because of distance.

Joke is that now I've married someone that has to be distant from me. Doing everything with me, myself & I and GOD. At least I have God, right, that's the only I can find. Yet sometimes I feel distant from God.

I don't even know what to expect for this year. Not even prepared for my exam end of this year.

My prayer all goes to my baby; for him to be healthy, happy, safe, loved, blessed.. amen. *mother cries*

Here are some photo-talking moments. bye

I have reach the stage where I can fit into my mother's dress. (:

Watch them from birth and now they are growing taller while I growing sideway.

Meet up with Huaida Maan

Reunited with the girls again since we grad.

my Fav Pic that night

my baby

my babyyy

messy photo, like my messy mind, don't care.



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