Isn't God mean for making hell?

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinner, Christ died for us. (Roman 5:8)

Would you say that the leaders of our country is mean for constructing a prison? No, it's your choice. You don't have to go there.

Besides, hell is not prepared for man but for the devil and his angels. ( Matthew 25:41 ) God never intended for man to go there, even now He is preparing a place for us in heaven. (John 14:2) It's only by man's stubborn that reject God provision for our access to heaven. It is arrogant of man to desire to go to heaven yet demand his own terms of access to heaven. If you want to live in God's house, you come by His way not your own. (John 3:36 )

Why is hell so horrific? Because God's attribute are not present there. Many did not realize many good we enjoy here is from God for good does not exist apart from Him.

James 1:17 
Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the the Father of lights. 

God prepared heaven as His eternal home, filled with all the attributes of His holiness and glory. But in hell, God's attribute is removed from that place of torment.

Spiritual death mean to be separated from God, to be separated from God is to be separated from all good.

In bible, hell is describe as
1 John 1:5 ( hell is dark because God is light )

John 1:4 ( hell is death because God is life )

1 John 4:16 ( hell is hatred because God is love )

Psalm 36:5 ( hell has no mercy because mercy of Lord is in heaven )

Psalm 18:22 ( hell is only weakness because the Lord is the giver of strength )

Isaiah 32:18 ( hell is loud because God's people will dwell in quiet resting place )

Deut 11:11 ( Hell has no water because water is the rain from heaven )

Isaiah 9:6 ( hell has no peace because Christ is the prince of peace )

The good we experience because God allows us to enjoy it while we are here on the earth. Psalm 33:5 state "the earth is full of goodness of the Lord"

However if you want nothing to do with God, there is a place prepared that has nothing to do with His goodness.

Of course, God is in all places and sees all but He withdraw His goodness from hell.

Proverbs 15:29 ( the Lord is far from the wicked )

The fire of hell is God's wrath. The reason for His wrath is because sin need to be punished.

Christ died on the cross for our sins. He carry our punishment. However, if you don't acknowledge Him as our Lord, you will carry your own punishment. It's a free gift and God already make it so easy yet people deny Him to choose the hell fire or desire to go heaven yet demand his own terms of access to heaven.

It's is our choice anyway.

We need to understand that good things are not just there by a series of coincident but it is emanate from the presence of the Lord.

So often people look at the ocean, the trees, and the sky saying "isn't Mother Nature wonderful" well it is rather Father God that provide  everything.

Just as the prison is to protect the innocent from the breakers of the earth's law just so as hell is prepared for offenders of God's law. It is never too late to claim that Christ the the only way, well not until the second coming of Christ.

In short, prisons is not the first thing in mind when man came into this world. So do hell is not God's intention when He created the earth. It shall be your own choice for going there. Life on earth are temporary, but there is eternal everlasting life. Have you not wonder why do you exist? Do you have soul or are you just same as animals because animal does not have soul. Animal live with instinct but human have conscious.

Do you exist just to eat, work, study and party? Do you know that there is beginning and everything will comes to an end too. God love you and He is a good father, He is trying to keep you out from hell and divert you from the misguided course.

Mathew 11:15-17
15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear! 
16 But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions, 
17 and saying: 'We played the flute for you, And you did not dance; We mourned to you, And you did not lament.'  

Sometimes I do wonder why bother stopping those people that live life their own way, why worry for them. How many people can I reach out to? How many friends will I lose for doing this and what do I get for doing this.

I still remember 4 years ago when i was still practicing the teaching of Buddhism, indeed life seems calm and quiet with all the blessing each day because you see moralism is simply doing what is good for goodness sake. I wasn't afraid of hell, I used to believe hell is just another place like earth. If I died, my family can burn me paper money yo?

But soon I begin to ask myself what is the purpose of life and why do I even exist.. The meaning and purpose of life isn’t all that easy to figure out. God has given us a reason for our existence, a meaning for our existence.

There are those will not like this.  There are those who will deny that God has made us. For them, they want to determine their own purpose. They must decide for themselves what is meaningful to them.

When a child says "I want, I want, I want," he is showing his immaturity and self-centeredness.

What if our lives are difficult and things go wrong?  Are our failures and hardships for the glory of God, too?  Yes, they are.  We often thank God and praise his name when things go well, but we often turn our backs on him and complain when things are difficult.  Sometimes our appreciation and trust in God becomes conditioned on how well things are going for us.  Ultimately, this is self-centered immaturity.

Just a piece of thought and many piece of questions for you to think before you sleep. Tomorrow is never promised, you never know when is your last day. Of course you don't want to live everyday worrying about last day right, why not come and increase some wisdom by getting to know the reason and meaning of life. Well I found my answer in Bible and I am secure with my eternal life.

Christ heal the broken heart, Christ give a new life and in Christ many goods are found.

Alright. Till then XOXO :)


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