There are countless kinds of ways to define the future; fortune telling, prediction and prognosises and stuff like that. Do you know in ancient times, what was the most common way that people discerned the future?? It was called 'consulting the liver'. They would actually sacrifice animals, they'd cut out a liver, because the liver was suppose to be the heaviest organ in the body, and then somebody would look at it and start to predict something. The roman empire uses this method to decide whether to go for a war. Do you think stuff like this still happening to today? Well, palm reading..crystal ball..stuff like this still around. Tarots card, horoscopes.. 
Looking to the future without looking to God, the creator.

Don't go calling the psychic hotline. 
By the way, here's a little tip if the psychic say "what's your credit card number?' HANG UP!! They should know that! Maybe you should reply "you tell me" If he can't tell your credit card, he can't tell you anything valuable. Agree?

If I were to look at your life, if I were to film the whole thing, will I see the supposed day of your conversion, are you desire to walk like Him? or do you desire to walk like everybody else? Do you desire to walk like the world, act like the world, talk like the world and fellowship like the world?

If it breaks God's heart, why do you think it will fulfill yours?

What you think, is what you believe and what you believe is what you become.

You never meet the right people at the right time because the right people are timeless.

You will love again.

You will love again even though their last words are still dancing in your head. You will love again even though they promised you forever and still walked away. You will love again even though your heart is still beating to the sound of their name.

Because the crazy thing about love is that it always comes back.

And you probably won't recognize it at first. Because love comes back wearing different bones. Loves comes back holding you with different arms. Love comes back saying "I LOVE YOU" in different voice you haven't heard before and showing different gestures.

And I know. I know that all of this means nothing right now. I know your mind is still consumed with what ifs. I know this doesn't fix the fact that your heart is still aching. I know how hard it is to move on and break free.

But you need to let go. It's the only way to become whole again. It's the only way to invite love back.

An amazing thing happens when you get honest with yourself and start doing what you love, what makes you happy. You stop wishing for the weekend. You stop merely looking forward to special  events. You begin to live in each moment and you start feeling like a human being. You just ride the wave that is life. A whole new perspective is born!


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