Take heart, God has overcome!

The man who can RESIST getting angry or losing control of his spirit is more honorable than men with great military accomplishments.

Christians nowadays can live their life without thinking if God is watching them. People can go around and quotes scripture from the bible but they do not live a life that the bible has taught. People can always say God is with them no matter where they go/do, yet not worry God is watching?

Pastor Allan once said and I paraphrase "when God wants to bless you, he sends someone into your life and when the devil wants to destroy you he also sends someone into your life."

Sex is something that is everywhere in society today. Unfortunately, our world tells us that to be socially relevant or to prove we love someone, we need to be having sex. For me, I believe if a man commits fornication now, he will also commit adultery. If he can't keep you holy and undefiled then he is not the right one. 

"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain/wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blemish."

If you want to know if you are connected to a person in a destructive way, monitor how you feel on a daily basis. Examine how you feel in their company.

If you are living in a constant state of sadness, hopelessness, confinement, and depression, you are bonded to your partner in several unhealthy ways. A negative soul tie will cause you to believe that love is supposed to feel like sadness and misery, where you are unable to see light at the end of the tunnel. 

While it is fair to recognize healthy and emotionally rich soul ties, it is not as easy to identify the unhealthy ones.

"Sign of soul tie :
1. You are in a physically, emotionally, or spiritually abusive relationship, but you 'feel' so attached to the person that you refuse to cut off the connection and set boundaries. I can talk about this because I've been there and it was my life! I was so scared of losing and letting go. I was so scared of what will happen and if I ever find someone else like him. 

2. You have left a relationship but you think about the other person obsessively. You can't get them out of your mind. It seems like you are on withdrawal and your mind is on steroids. "

Bondage in relationships that is outside the will of God. 

Real love is based on having Christ as the center of the relationship.


August 2021, the pandemic is still not over yet. As time passed, I feel a little suffocated by the number of things I need to do. Last month, I was asked to help out at the PPV (vaccination center) and the medical swab team & I've done my first state-level Online presentation. 

Did at least 500 swab samples. huh I'm doing such a contribution already. feeling less useless Lol

Won honorable mention for tinyMagazine2021 with some cash money. yay
Won Top 10 Adabi-cooking healthy food & I shared all the free gifts worth RM200 with my colleagues. WHOOTS!
And few more things I've achieved in July. so fruitful yo.

So I took 9 days off to stay home. (silly me, I actually thought I can do some local traveling tho) Recently, I argued a lot with Nic. Still calm but I don't deny that sometimes this relationship is so exhausting. Nic never been in a relationship thus I need to invest more amount of energy. But so far he is still a sweetheart. We are so similar and the truth is that these similarities lead to all the arguments. In another word, I expect he is the best but sometimes he is exactly like me. Like a mirror, you get frustrated to look it at but you also sees yourself at the same time. 

Nic enjoys cooking to the point that every time we tried some new dishes from the restaurant, Nic will try to make one at home. From butter chicken to Soup Tulang to Soup Daging and so on. I know I should be grateful but the aftermath of cleaning can be torture. Yeap Nic did volunteer to clean up too but I can't stand his cleaning standard thus I always do it anyway.

"But hey, I am tired"

Then Nic will be like "but..you....are always tired."

As the Big-day drawing near, I begin to see more of his vulnerable side. Maybe, all that are minor flaws. Really minor and I know I should drop it. Anyway, he must have tolerated me a lot too. 

I was talking to one of my closest colleagues about this and she told me that she feels that way too. Almost all married couples face moments like wanting some me-time. My friend was telling me that someday after work, she just sat in the car quietly and alone for a while before entering the house. I begin to think, perhaps my parents at some point in time feel that way too.

Recently, Nic has started blogging. Reading his blog post is so much interesting and informative than mine over here. (http://nicholasworldview.blogspot.com) Making me feel like, people who read my blog are wasting time. You kinda gain nothing here. Anyway. I have my own style k. I appreciate you! and this is not a competition. 



In discovering your true identity, you'll realize not everyone can be your friend. Toxic people cannot stay in your life because you understand you have more value than continuing in that relationship. 

Let us look at this illustration;
 If a piece of dry fabric decides to become friends with fire, what would be its end? It would burn. Does that mean the fire is evil? NO, they are just not good for each other. 

You are never too far gone in a relationship with anyone for you to not be able to leave. 

Leave even though people may talk and gossip. It's your life! Someday, the terrible things that he did to you will be revealed. God will guide you and ultimately you are the winner. I used to stay in a toxic relationship and I was too afraid of leaving thinking what others gonna talk about. They don't understand what I have been through behind the closed door with him and how many times I've hopelessly cried!

nah, I am better off and I thank my younger self for the courage. 

They always point out your weakness and are judgemental. There are certain persons who do not see the good or the uniqueness that lies in you. They usually tell you how inferior you are, they speak only about your weakness and always seem to know how you are meant to do things. Judging your every action, even though they many times make it seem as though they are concerned and they want to make you a better person but beneath that cloak lies the truth. 

 They are jealous of you! Jealousy is a terrible spirit that gives birth to other siblings like envy, anger, and hate.

Amos 3:3 Can two walk together unless they are agreed. 

Also, walk away from people who knew you 'back when"
One of the most dangerous relationships is the one that holds you to your past. The bible tells us that when Jesus went to his 'own country', He taught and the people were astonied but offended because they kept saying "isn't this the carpenter's son" "He can't possibly have all this wisdom and do these mighty works" And Jesus could do no miracles there because of their unbelief. Remember, those old opinions that were not God's opinions are opinions that do not relate to your tomorrow. They relate only to your yesterday. 

Till then.


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