Can We prove God Exists?

Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying:
"This is the way, walk in it."
1 Peter 3:15
"be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have"

It's interesting how one can grow up believing things as fundamental as God's existence, and yet feel wholly unprepared to defend those beliefs when put on the spot. That's a normal experience, not something to feel bad about but let it motivate you to think more deeply about your faith, and thus it will be used for good.

Prove is a strong word. Giving an answer requires some forethought, but it's a lot easier than proving something.

The answer for this question are most probably "No, I can't prove God exists, but I can offer some good reasons to believe in Him"

Afterall, if your friend still protest, ask him/her to prove God doesn't exist. He'll probably quickly see that he doesn't have proof either. So,what are some positive reasons we can give for believing in God besides quoting Bible verses which most non believers wont accept.

I would say that the universe and time itself had a beginning at some point in the finite past, this is commonly known as the BIG BANG and it is accepted almost universally by scientists worldwide. But since something cannot come out of nothing, there has to be a transcendent cause beyond space and time which brought the universe into being.

BIG BANG was not a primordial event, but rather a highly ordered event that required an enormous precision information for the existence of life. Well, it is a very compelling way toward the existence of an Intelligent Designer. I believe there is a creator and the world doesn't exist by itself. Each cell and tissue doesn't just exist and arrange itself into a human being.

If God does not exist, then objective moral values do not exist. Then morality is just a matter of personal taste. Example, to say that killing innocent children is wrong would just be an expression of taste.

How you know God exist? well How you know love exist?

Afterall, we are not call to prove all gods or beliefs out there are wrong compared to what we believe in. There really is little or no effect and impact in argument or word for word discussions. I don't know much about all other gods out there but I know Jesus, so I will tell you what I know about Him. And if He is real, He can and will show just how real He is to you.


This 2 song so niceee. :) 




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