My pregnancy journey.

How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can..

My future's gonna be alright, I don't need to know where it leads.

So, I've decided to share this cool phase of my life.

First and foremost, Yes. I got pregnant 5weeks after my R.O.M. Haiya yay!

I got to know about my pregnancy when my menstruations were 2 days late (I have a super stable cycle you see) and by then I was 4 weeks pregnant already. The crazy thing was that I self-prescribed an anti-parasite medication during my 2nd week. The first time seeing a double line on my pregnancy urine test kit can be overwhelming. I still remember it was Thursday 4pm after work when all the government clinics are closed. 

So, we went to a private clinic to confirm the test. They made me pee on a new pregnancy test kit and do an ultrasound scan of my uterus/womb. Back then, it was undetected on the ultrasound as there is no sign of uterus dilation or implantation. So the doctor advised coming back after 2 weeks for another scan.

My first ultrasound scan! No sign of a fetus yet but can see a thick uterus lining.

Coming out of the clinic, Nic and I were feeling confused, shocked, anxious, having doubts, and everything. Although we both are over 28years old, we still have doubts if we can do this well. I guess all the first-time parents felt this way. My friend was telling me how they plan for a baby for a year and when they finally conceived one, they still have doubts.

I went to do another scan before CNY and finally see the tiny embryo with a tadpole shape on the ultrasound screen. By then, being pregnant felt surreal and excitement kicks in. I know it was too early to share the news but we share it anyway; with our close friends and family. 

2nd ultrasound ; Embryo tadpole shape with thick uterus lining!

During my first trimester, I do not have any morning sickness. Besides having to wake up 2-3 times at night to pee and craving soupy food, I don't really feel pregnant. OH, my mood swing is bad. Probably because of my poor-quality sleep. I was upset and angry most of the time. I cried for any little small inconvenience. Nic was the biggest victim of my mood swing. I suppose I was ridiculous at times which make Nic leave the house twice in anger. I remember being really consistent in finding something to argue with Nic. Argue about being tired and not wanting to do house chores, argue about not wanting to have intimacy, argue about not wanting to go the gym and etc.

I open the legendary pink book during my 10 weeks of pregnancy at kkm. Did blood tests, urine tests, blood glucose tests, ultrasound scans, consultation, etc. 

I was covid-19 positive during my 12 weeks of pregnancy. Got it from Nic. Aish.. My CT-Value was 17ish. Symptoms were manageable for me. Symptoms include on-off fever and 4 weeks of cough. I start taking folic acid supplements during my 4th-week pregnancy and inconsistent-taking probiotics during my 12th-week pregnancy. 

During the 13th-week ultrasound scan, my baby was having a 15th-week size baby thus my doctor was saying that my estimated due date is brought forward.  I was down with a yeast infection during my 14th week and symptoms were just unusual cottage cheese discharged. Sent my discharge to the lab and was prescribed miconazole pessary. 

Chubby baby in 13th week but having 15th-week size.    

By April, I am 15 weeks pregnant which is the 2nd  trimester! Nope, I do not have a pregnancy glow instead I have many tiny pimples growing on-off. So, by now I have experienced parasite infection, viral infection, bacteria infection, and fungal infection in my short first trimester. I guess nobody's first trimester can be worst than mine. 

I did my detail ultrasound scan during week 21, and Nic get to see the baby in the womb for the first time he was so amazed which causes the whole detail scan to last for 2 hours. We spent RM130 on the detail scan. Also, we get to know the gender of the child which is a............................BOY! Both Nic's and my family's side's first child was a girl but well, we still get a baby boy. I would say most people thought I am going to have a girl tho, though I guess it will be super cute to have a mini-me too. Hopefully, God will bless us with a baby girl in the future ok.

My colleagues throw a gender reveal party

Detail scan during 21weeks

Nic's reaction to the gender is more towards shock. The reason is mainly that he doesn't know how to handle another him. Nic was a naughty kid when he was younger I guess. But we both had multiple night dreams seeing a long-hair boy who keep asking us to carry him. 

During week 23, Nic finally got his knee ACL surgery date at UM KL. It was 70% sponsored by the government GL and 30% sponsored by the church. Total surgery/implant cost RM21k you see. We are very much grateful and blessed. Oh so, during week 23 I was overweight by 1kg. Because of this, I have to check up twice a week for a month. Check-ups include checking the fetal's heartbeat, my BP, and urine test. Nothing invasive, just time-consuming. But it's important to monitor if I have gestational diabetes/pre-eclampsia.

I am week 24 (6 months) preg on 1 June! I felt the most energy ever this month in my whole pregnancy. We drove a 2-way road trip JB-KT 8 hours each journey to attend my brother's wedding. So glad to see my family again and everyone was excited to see my big tummy. I took care of Nic since he hardly can move with one leg now. I clean the whole house, cook, and everything else. I enjoy cleaning a lot, and felt so fulfilled when I am the person who cleans. We didn't get to go to the gym at all now, so I have these huge fatty lower limbs/thighs. (BIGGEST EVER alright-not sure how am I going to burn em')

During the 6th month, I crave more on Indian cuisine. So we went to Mamak 1-2 times a week. I experience Round Ligament Pain which is crampy, sharp, and stabbing pain quite often. Of course, the baby kicks every day every hour!! One of the good things is that I defecate twice a day, every day! It's cray for someone like me who's constipated so often my whole life. Baby kicks are more frequent when I am at work especially when I am doing Minor Oral surgery, minor tooth extractions, mucoceles removal, and literally whenever I see blood. Not sure if that excite the baby or scared him. lol

Oh, I cut off consuming caffeine this month too, and hope it is not too late. heheh

By end of June, I finally enter 3rd trimester (7 months). I remember craving more western cuisine. Because of my western cravings, I guess this month I spent more money on food. Proud to say that I started my morning prayer routine again, mainly because I can now go and leave work earlier by a total of 1 hour. Thus, more time for me to chill and pray. I had a slow morning having McD breakfast too. 

7th month/ 30th weeks

Something that I have noticed is that, the Baby in the womb kicks all the time except when Nic touches my belly. So at night, I will ask Nic to place his hand on my belly to calm the kid inside. The baby doesn't kick when Nic touches my belly (most of the time) Perhaps, the baby is afraid of Nic. (Whatever the theory it is, as long it works) 

Being pregnant is great if you are working in my field. In a way, I understand and able to Relate to what it feels like. I begin to understand being pregnant is really not easy. Salute to those people who have empathy toward pregnant ladies even tho never experience being pregnant. I used to doubt those mothers who claim they are extra sleepy/ 'tak larat' are just finding an excuse. 

Experiencing the final last 2 months was really overwhelming and ending up like everyone else who prefers just to sit down and do the minimum. Being slow motion is real, I realize I almost trip/slip easily thus the advice of "walk slowly" is applicable sia. Funny how I always forgot and underestimate the door space and got my big tummy bang around when passing through any limited space area. SO, REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED MORE SPACE FOR WALKING during preg.

Entering 8th month/32 weeks, body feeling warm all the time. Imma a walking egg incubator ok. Although staying in the windiest house ever, I can't sleep without the air conditioning! Coming to week 33, feeling paranoid about the baby coming out anytime soon is real. The baby shouldn't be delivered before the 37th week at least alright. So I have been living in a state where I overthink each weird fetus movement and discharge.

Week 34, during my routine antenatal check-up, Doctor diagnose me with oligohydramnios which means my amniotic fluid is low. This can cause my baby to have limited growing space. I still remember one of the nights, I saw a little amount of fresh blood discharged which then causes me to be admitted for 2 days. Nothing unpleasant, I enjoyed my stay at the hospital. At least, I catch a glimpse of being admitted and observed the procedure of the real labor day. So optimistic right, but I had a good time with just me myself and I. I get to enjoy the first-class ward and am surrounded by super kind nurses. 

I have been interacting with fast-working and strict nurses at my workplace you see.

Week 35, during my checkups with the specialist, Doctor says my amniotic fluid level is an acceptable borderline. Initially, in just a week of ultrasound examination, the level was 9.7 to 7.1 to 6.2. But now, it is 7.9. (I should be having 800milliliters or more.) Maybe the medical team does my checkups really carefully and I have to run a lot of tests each time they suspect something. Two sides of the same coin. 

End of week 35, my AFI amniotic fluid from 7.9 dropped to 7.2. I do doubt if there is a discrepancy in the operator measurement as each checkup were done by different Drs. In Singapore, AFI lower than 4 only they will induce while at JB AFI lower than 5.. but mine was >7. So, anyway, after discussing with my husband.. we decided to terminate this pregnancy earlier by week 36 before the baby show sign of distress as advised by Drs. Since baby Al have achieve acceptable gestational week and weight anyway.

I was induce twice but only achieve cervix dilation of 1cm which then lead to emergency caesarean. It was a painless and quick procedure. So thankful that baby wasn't distress at all. We both were discharged after 2 days. Coming home and begin my postpartum motherhood is surreal, I know I have been reading and watching lots of video about taking care of a newborn, but didn't know it was so easy. *laugh-silent-cries*

JK. It has been a week now, but so far so good. Nic has been a good father and supportive husband. 
Will be managing the confinement and post delivery care on our own without
my mom nor in laws nor CL. 
First child, please be kind. Hope we are strong enough.
Hope Baby Al have salvation in Christ. 

okay thankyou for reading. Till then XX.

These are accurate.

Things you should know by now;
-If God's will for you to get pregnant and have a child, You will! So quit thinking about miscarriage or any complication. Woman body are made for this!
-Baby's stuff are really pricy, be a blessing and buy us something HEHEH

Last but not least, you should know my baby is sho cutee. heheh

His name is Aelfred Karl Nicholson. 

Till then, xx.


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